Warning this game contains flashing lights, loud sounds, and jumpscares.

This game was for Judeca Me ii Game Jam

Version 2.2.4

- Fixed major/minor bugs

- Added how to play

- Added Costume difficulty

- Fixed game over screen

- Fixed ending

- Fixed main menu bug

V2.2.5.1 (Very minor bug fix)

- Fixes intro

- Fixes Mobile Controls

- Fixes Costume Difficulty


Future (Maybe) updates

- Remaster

- Sounds on the record (Maybe wind)

- 2 new game modes (Nightmare mode + Puzzle mode)

Note: I forgot to mention that whenever the flashlight flickers you have to move to a different room.


Something's Here v2.2.5.1 (Downloadable).zip 41 MB
Something's Here v2.2.4.1 (Downloadable).zip 41 MB


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This game is confusing, I don't understand what is happening or how to play I just spammed E and switched between areas multiple times then the game ended?

(1 edit)

This is the old version the newer version will explain what's going to happened. Also this version is very buggy so there are somethings in here that don't work at all.

Edit: Also the recorded meter filled up is what ends the game not spamming E and moving around.

Hello if you are reading this I have updated the game.